Top Ten Hyped Books That Everyone Has Read But I Haven’t

Top Ten Tuesday is a fun weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish where we can all share lists.

Top Ten Tuesday


Because I’m a rebel.

Nah. But hype scares me. Because sometimes 99% love it and I’ll be the lone 1% who doesn’t like it and I’ll have to wallow in my lonely corner.

Someday, I hope, I will read these books but here are my top 10:

1. Simon vs. the Homo Sapiens Agenda by Becky Albertalli

Have you seen those ratings? And I heard it was funny and me likes funny so it sounds pretty good.

simon vs. the homo sapiens agenda

2. Blood of Olympus by Rick Riordan

Urgh. Let me bow my head in shame. I still haven’t read this. By now, I think I’m the only one who hasn’t read it. I heard it wasn’t as good as the other books and my Percy-Jackson-is-my-love-and-no-one-can-say-otherwise heart can’t take that.

blood of olympus

3. The Sacred Lies of Minnow Bly by Stephanie Oakes

It seems like EVERYONE who read this book loved it. And the premise does sound awesome.

sacred lies of minnow bly

4. Red Queen by Victoria Aveyard

So, so much hype about this book and I was beyond excited to read it after seeing so many rave reviews. Until a few months later and I saw more mixed reviews and how it’s a rehash of common YA tropes. And now I’m scared.

red queen

5. The Bone Season by Samantha Shannon

This is a debut novel. DEBUT. And she’s only 23. Needless to say, my self-esteem is shot.

bone season

6. City of Heavenly Fire by Cassandra Clare

There’s hype around the series in general but the hype was over the top for the last book. I haven’t read the series in a long time and I have the last book left but seeing that enormous book is pretty intimidating.

city of heavenly fire

7. Daughter of Smoke and Bone by Laini Taylor

Apparently you either love the author’s writing style or you hate it. I’m not a huge fan of angel love stories so I’m hesitant about reading this.

daughter of smoke and bone

8. Paper Towns/Looking for Alaska by John Green

Maybe it’s wrong of me to conclude that John Green books aren’t for me after reading only one book. I should remedy that with these books.

paper towns looking for alaska

9. Mistborn by Brandon Sanderson

One of my friends who is a fantasy fanatic loved this book. Along with the other thousands of people so it must be good, right?


10. The Lord of the Rings trilogy by J.R.R. Tolkien

Yes, I watched the movies before I read the books which is totally sacrilegious. But I shall! One day.


What books have a lot of hype surrounding it? What books do you think are severely underhyped? Let me know!

15 thoughts on “Top Ten Hyped Books That Everyone Has Read But I Haven’t

  1. With the exception of Paper Towns, I haven’t read any of the books on your list, either. All of these book are on my TBR though, (besides The Sacred Lies of Minnow Bly, which I hadn’t heard of, but I’ll be sure to check out) and I’m really looking forward to them. Which one of these books do you think you’d pick up first if you decided to read one?


  2. I’ve read a few of the books on your list, but LOTR will likely always be on my “never read” list. I read the Mistborn books way before they got hyped, which I am very glad about. I think it would have ruined them for me. I’m honestly a little confused about all the hype around them, because while they are good, I don’t think they are “shout it from the rooftops” good.


      1. Lately that would be The Life & Death of Sophie Stark by Anna North. I know it’s not going to be for everyone, but I really want people to read it and now about it. I’m also really excited about The Gracekeepers by Kristi Logan. 🙂


  3. I have Mistborn on my shelf, waiting for me to read it. I don’t think I’ve come across anyone who hates it which is either very promising or very scary. I wasn’t a big fan of The Bone Season and the only reason I did pick it up was the hype, it deceived me! Daughter of Smoke and Bone was good, but I never continued the series for some reason.


    1. I think I’ve seen Mistborn in my library and my terror of the hype and the strange covers made me turn the other way. Urgh. I should run back to the library, borrow it and apologize profusely to the book for ever thinking that.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. I’ve read a number of angel books, and let me tell you… Daughter of Smoke & Bone is in a category all its own. It’s nothing like any of the others I’ve read. In fact, it’s pretty unique. I actually liked Laini Taylor’s writing (even though I kept having to go to the dictionary to look up words).

    You’re brave for wanting to attempt another John Green book. One was enough for me (I read The Fault in Our Stars). I’ve heard that the characters in his other books are pretty much the same sort of pretentious, unrealistic teenagers we got in TFiOS. So… no thanks.


    1. WOOT! That’s great news!
      *whispers* I did the same when I read a few pages from Daughter of Smoke and Bone. It was great for my vocabulary and exercise but it really hurt my brain after a while.


  5. I have the same problem with hyped books because so many that i read that others just LOVED i really did not enjoy or … you know, liked at all and did not understand how anyone could hype anything other then dislike about the book.

    Daughter of Smoke and Bone for example was such a book for me. It is good, it is okay to read and i read the entire series and it was good. It is just not great. And if Taylor would have taken one more step into explaining how the heck everything actually happens in this book i think i could understand the hype. Still good enough series i just never understood how nobody else found it a bit… lacking in some aspects.

    Great list 🙂


  6. I haven’t read Lord of the Rings either, in fact it was on my top ten books list. I wasn’t a big fan of Smoke and Bone or the Red Queen for the reasons that you mentioned. But, I really do want to read the Bone Season!


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